The pursuit of improvement

The continuous effort against the changes

Javokhir Rajabov
3 min readSep 26, 2021

November 12, 2019:
Today I bought this notebook to improve myself in every other way. I like the way life works, there are infinitely many events that are happening in parallel lives. The interesting thing is that you can move to any life you desire by just making the choices. Yes, we are the choices we make.

Something triggers you to change. You get motivated, plan your whole month or year by spending the evening. You write down what you should do to be someone better and schedule all actions. Two or three days go well, but… Yeah big BUT is here :) But something happens, and you are back to where you started. Don’t worry, I think that’s how it works. The only required thing from us is not to quit. On this journey, not everything goes as we planned, yet we should be flexible. Your plans did not work? Find out why. Learn yourself, listen to yourself, and start again. Everyone is different, if something works for you it is probably not gonna work for someone else. Go and experiment, you will understand yourself better and plan accordingly.

November 20:
Could not get up at 6:30. Well, not good.

November 28:
Every little thing I do matters. I know as I do them constantly they add up. So, my new plan…

December 5:
I should create my exercise routine and sleep pattern.
I can train 6 days a week and a day off ….

December 25:
I could not get up. I should sleep on time, and put the phone in silent mode. Plus, set an alarm using the tablet.

January 12:
Recently I fucked up, I should reschedule everything and start again. I need the habits …

January 15:
I think there are a lot of things I should put in order. Waking up early, reading…

January 24:
.. The last 2 weeks were really productive.

February 1:
Gotta review all the things I have written so far. I will try to learn and get something for myself. I have some bad habits started, gotta break them quickly.

March 19:
Lastly, I am completely out of track. Not doing anything good for a while. Just wasting time. Seems like I am not controlling anything. I should do something so tomorrow is not gonna be just like how today is.

Well, these kinds of notes go on and on in my journals. And that’s how I learn from my experiences. There are bad days and good days. You might think, why I am stuck at the same place. But if you look at the big picture, your graph is only going up because you are growing by learning yourself. The only thing is not to quit when things don’t go as they are supposed to do. Be flexible, change your plans and keep experimenting.
Have a wonderful week full of experiments.



Javokhir Rajabov

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I am 1 out of 7.9 billion unrepeatable particles just like you. Here I share my thoughts and events from my life.